Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 15th Day 4

I gained .2 lbs yesterday-not off to a great start, but what do I expect? I always forget how hard this really is. I have a goal of 10 more lbs-I know I can do it!

My dad was diagnosed with sugar diabetes yesterday-still learning what this is and if it's preventable......I know it's hereditary.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

July 13th 2010

Here I am again. I find this is easier than writing in a journal every day.

I have gained back 7 lbs in the last month because I stopped watching what I was eating (as carefully) and didn't start my exercise plan. Who has time to exercise with such busy lives? I feel guilty taking time out of my day to exercise.

My starting weight this time around is 168.

My measurements are:

Chest: 41"
Stomach: 43"
Butt: 41.5"

Austin is in Oregon this week at an ODP Soccer Camp. As a mom I'm pretty worried about him, but I think he's having a blast. The kids are out for summer and that's been a little stressful-none of them have anyone to play with. Hopefully we can change that.

We are getting Breanna into a dance class at the community college and the rest of the kids are playing soccer.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June 2

Today I was back to 161....this up and down thing is so hard mentally for me. I have 1 more week of maintenance and then I'll be joining Weight Watchers to lose these last 15 lbs.

Kelly is out of town again but back tomorrow night-yeah! This weekend is so and baseball Friday night....2 soccer games Saturday and Soccer Monday morning.

Matthew had soccer tryouts tonight and he felt really good about them. The "A" team coach also said he did really well-especially for taking a year off.

Total weight loss since January: 38 lbs...

Friday, May 28, 2010

May 28

So I'm in the maintenance phase now and not doing very well.....I have gained 3 lbs so I guess today is a steak day!

Kelly, Austin and Matthew are leaving for Portland today...Austin has an ODP tournament there. They will come back late Memorial Night and then Kelly will fly out on Tuesday afternoon. And the kids are out of school next Friday June 4th-I can't decide if I'm excited about that or not.

We finally found a budget form that is working for us-it balanced to our checking account which was AWESOME!!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 26

THe last few days have been pretty rough......I gained on day 23 and stayed the same through Day 25. Today I lost 2 lbs, which puts me at 161.2

I am done with the drops and now I'm on my first day of 500 calories w/out the drops. By this weekend I'll be on the maintenance phase and then I'll join Weight Watchers. This journey is not over! blog might be. We'll have to see.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 22

Yeah!!! Down to 163.2's going to be a great day!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 21

Wow.....I should be almost done with this but I have enough drops to go a little longer and maybe lose these last 5-6 lbs. If I can lose 6 more pounds I can say I lost 40 lbs!!!! I only have 5 more to go to get to my goal weight, with this diet. I am going to join Weight Watchers in a week or so to maintain.

Kelly is home, thank heavens. The family always misses him when he's gone.

I'm down to 165!!!! Woohoo!!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 20

Day 20.........and still sitting at 166 lbs......I did an apple day the other day and didn't lose anything.....I just keep bouncing around these 2 lbs...I should be stopping in a few days but I REALLY want to lose these last 6 lbs......if I lose 7 lbs. I can say I have lost 40 lbs though.... I might just go until I run out of the drops and then be done for a few until fall or something.

Kelly has been out of town for the last couple of days...but it's been going well. Usually I am really short on patience when I'm on this but the kids have been awesome. Breanna went to school this morning so she could go to the zoo...I can't wait until she is in first grade! My mornings are so peaceful! Although I really do miss her when she isn't here. She has such a great smile!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day 15

Today is May 9th, and I'm on my 2.5 round of this I guess I'm on my third attempt. I need to lose 8.8 more lbs in the next 2 weeks and I feel very successful. I don't plan on doing this again, until maybe fall or winter. I would like to get in the habit of, if not exercising on a daily basis, then getting outside with my kids and walking, playing soccer or riding bikes. Overall I only have 28 more pounds to go before I reach a healthy weight.....not my ideal weight...but a healthy weight.

It was brought to my attention that in my last post I put I had lost 133.....which was obviously a type......I had lost 33 lbs. I'm sad to say that over the last 2 days I have actually gained 2 lbs, so now I'm down to a loss of 31. That's OK everything elese I will just keep trying.

Today is Mother's Day and I got the sweetest gifts from my girls. Breanna made me a cookbook in Kindergarten and Rachel made me a cute card, with flowers, and "spotlight" paper for me. It truly brought tears to my eyes. Kelly got me 2 exercise type shirts and vests. I was a little nervous because they were smaller than I am used to buying, let alone even looking at. I was just going to exchange them for an XL, but he made me try them on. The vest will fit (fully zipped up) when I lose about 4 more lbs (and a little more in the chest area) but fits OK over a shirt, and the other shirt fits a little too snug for my taste, but according to Kelly looks really good. So again, just a few more pounds. I also wore a dress today to church that I don't think I've worn in about 10 years. I think I bought it when E'Shell got married, but I can't remember for sure.

Mother's Day is always so hard at church. You get to listen to priesthood holders talk about women, and usually about their own wives and how awesome they are. I know that no one is perfect, but hearing about all the things other mom's do, or can accomplish in a day, is sometimes daunting.

I am teaching the CTR 7 class next week and terrified. I have never taught a class before. Hopefully I won't scar the kids!!!

The first time I did this diet I was more successful and I think it's because I was keeping this blog every day. I didn't really think anyone was reading it, so I don't worry about it so much. I found out yesterday that 2 people (who I thought were unlikely to read it) are reading it and that gives me a little more incentive to be successful.
Today I weighed in at 168.8......which is still really phenomenal and I should be proud of myself. I'm not.....but I'll work on it. I was down to 166 the other day and my goal in 12 days is to be down to 160. Go ME!!!!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 13

I'm on Day 13 of my third and final round of my HCG diet. I have lost a total of 133 lbs since January. I am at 166.8 and loving it. I'm not really sure where it's coming from, since my measurements aren't changing, but I'm only measuring 4 areas, mainly around my stomach, butt and chest area. I'm probably losing it in my chin.

We had my grandmother's funeral. This is the hardest round I've done, but I only have 2 more weeks. I would like to lost 6 more lbs and then I think I'll join Weight Watchers and start exercising and eating right. My ideal weight is 140-145. Cross fingers!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 20

It's been a rough couple of days. I gained 2 lbs on Day 18 (first day of soccer games and I didn't plan very well). I'm in my 2nd to last day of the 500 calorie diet. I'm so looking forward to going to Vegas! Since January I have lost 29 lbs-I now weigh 170.6
If I can lose 1 more pound today I will have reached 1 goal. I am going to do this 1 more time with Brooke, before the kids are out of school. I know I can be successful at this and lose another 20 lbs.....having the kids home really threw off my routine. I sure didn't plan that very well!
I had Kelly do my measurements again-he did them on Day 10 and Day 18-I lost .5 in from my butt and 1 in off the fatty part of my stomach. I'm thinking of getting my belly button pierced I'm going to start walking and working on getting my stomach firmed up so I can do my belly button again.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 17

Well, on my second round and I weigh 171.6-YEAH!! This is awesome. Tomorrow will be my last day on the drops....I'm going to Vegas next weekend and it'll be easier to be on maintenance than 500 calories. I feel great-I LOVE THIS!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 16

I am at 172.6-I am so excited!!!! I am feeling great-especially since none of my clothes fit! (I've been told they didn't fit to start with, but who cares?)

I am also going to Vegas next weekend with a friend. I am ready for a bit of a break!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 14

I made it!!!!!! I lost 20 lbs-I'm now at 174.8-HOORAY!!!! I will be going and buying Dance Dance Revolution today and maybe some new underclothes to celebrate. This has totally given me the boost I needed. This last 2 weeks has been really hard to stick and I've only lost 3 lbs so far. I will do better from here on out!!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 9

This time around is definitely more frustrating. While I am at 175.8 (a weight I haven't seen in a long time) I only lost .2 lbs yesterday. It could have something to do with not eating anything but an apple all day, then we went to Ihop for Rachel's birthday and I got a dinner-it was under 510 calories, but it was full of stuff I shouldn't have, and I didn't get my drops once either.

Oh's another day!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 8

I lost .6 lbs yesterday, not very good. I'm totally off my groove with my kids being home for spring break. I didn't eat all afternoon, and when I was cleaning the kitchen I ate the homemade macaroni and cheese Matthew made for dinner. I totally forgot I was on a lame is that????

It is much harder this time around....I'm not really sure why. It probably has something to do with the kids being home, but they are home for all of next week I'll have to figure something out! I am determined to hit my goal this time. I had plans for the last 2 days to walk around the soccer park while Austin practiced, but they cancelled practice due to the snow yesterday and it was too windy the day before (and smoky from a fire we had).

Today Rachel is 7! I can hardly believe it....she is getting so big and grownup! Austin is supposed to have his first soccer game tonight...but I doubt it with all the snow on the ground. Love Utah springs!!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 6

Today is March 30 2010 and I weigh 176.6 lbs. That is so exciting! Yesterday I weighed 179.0......I am going to have to get used to writing here again. If for no other reason than it helps me keep a record.

I am so glad to be back doing this diet. My goal is to lose 20 lbs this time. I'm going to start at 177.6 (which is where I was on the first day of this round). I haven't below 170 in many years. This is exciting!

Austin had a practice baseball game last night.......they need to practice.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 4

I didn't weigh myself or continue to write in my blog because it was so depressing to gain weight and eat the last few days. I gained 3 lbs....I am now at 180.2

Today I start my "real" diet, of 500 calories a day and I can't weight to see the weight drop away. I am so excited for this process.....none of the foods I ate these last few days were very good..

I went to Arctic Circle Thursday night and got a mushroom burger and oreo shake..neither of which I finished. Thursday afternoon Breanna and I met Kelly for lunch at Zuppa's and that was excellent!

Friday night we went to Golden Corral, and even the rolls I usually eat weren't all that great. Saturday I had a fire pit with my dad and had half a bag of marshmallows......they weren't as good as I remember either. I think my body decided it didn't like the sugar and it all tasted horrible. I even had a coke yesterday (first time since January) and it wasn't as good as I remember. Maybe this will make it easier to not eat in the upcoming weeks, since it didn't taste good!

So, here's to today and starting over......I am going to lose 2 lbs today!!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 1

I'm starting over on my starting weight is 177.6. I will go to April 17 and then start the maintenance period.

We still haven't had my grandmothers funeral....and we won't have it until mid to late April. My grandpa doesn't want to come home from Arizona until April 15th. I think this is retarded, but it's just me I guess.

Work is going well.....I got a raise and a new title: Product Specialist. This is exciting for me....We have parent teacher conference today.....I'm sure they will all go well.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 37

I have been able to maintain my weight within 2 lbs this last week-I still weight 177.4 YEAH!!!! Although maintaining this has been harder than I thought. I didn't realize how many sweets and treats I bought for my kids. It's been quite a shocker. Every time I take a bite of anything my children ask me "Is that on your diet?" OK-really it's just Rachel and Breanna, and once in a while Austin. And I guess that's what I wanted, right? I wouldn't have told them I could buy Dance Dance Revolution when I lost 20 lbs if I didn't want them keeping me honest. In 2 days I will have been on the maintenance plan for 2 weeks.

I have lost 17 lbs total so far. I'm trying to be happy with that, right now, but it's really hard. Every day I think "Should I start over tomorrow?" I'm really anxious to get this weight off and KEEP IT OFF!!!!

We still haven't buried my grandpa said if he couldn't leave Arizona today or tomorrow he won't come home until next week. He didn't want to pay more than $35 for a hotel room. I still don't think it's hit me yet. It probably will once grandpa is here and we have the graveside service.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 29 & 30

I have maintained the same weight the last 2 days, 177.4. I believe that's a good thing, since this is the maintainence period!

My grandmother is very sick and will probably be gone at some point today. The doctors weren't sure she was going to make it to yesterday morning, so the fact she is still alive is somewhat of a miracle. If she was responsive and improving it might be a miracle, I guess. Since she's not responsive, I am praying she will go soon. She is 72.

All of my siblings are waiting to hear something as well. Amanda and I have had a nice chat the last few days and maybe our relationship is on its way to being healed. Time will tell I guess.

McCade and Britney said they would come down as well. However, mom said it's possible that they will cremate Grandma in Arizona and then Grandpa will come home when he's ready. That would really suck....even though there's not a funeral, I would still feel like I didn't get to say goodbye.

To top that off, Kelly's grandma Frankie wasn't doing very well either. She fell and broke her hip a couple of weeks ago...they weren't sure if she was going to survive either. Connie and Robert went to Portland to visit with her. She was awake and a (bit) out of it when they were there, but it helped them feel better to see her. She will be 92 in April.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day 26, 27 and 28

I decided to take the 3 week maintenance period and I am doing fabulously (so far). I started at 179.8 and I am down to 177.2 I went to see Alice the other night with Amy and had some popcorn (the small popcorn with a little butter on it) but I didn't finish it all, and I didn't gain any weight either! I am going to have to start counting calories, but so far I've just been doubling what I was doing on the diet.

I'm only 3 lbs away from buying Dance Dance Revolution now, and I haven't told the kids yet. I'm loving how everything is fitting differently, and I LOVE being able to sit down and see my lap! I don't see this mound of fat that looks like a baby!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 25

I missed yesterday's no fun to talk about gaining weight!!!
I'm now at my weight that I need to maintain for the next 3 weeks: 179.2 I don't really want to stop at this weight for 3 weeks but everyone I talk to says I should take a break and "recalibrate" my body, then start again. I am committing to a 1 week break and to eating 1500 calories a day. I am really committed to making this work for me, so I'm sure I'll do the full 3 weeks......I just want to lose more weight. 15 lbs in 25 days isn't bad....just not what I expected and hoped for. I was hoping for more like 20-25 (I shouldn't cheat!!!)

My plan is to start walking now and get my body back to that small form of exercise so the next time I start I can continue to walk and lose a little faster. Then I will also be looking to join Weight Watchers and continue to lose. I really have about 35-40 more lbs to go before I will be truly satisfied.

Thanks to everyone for helping me out and being supportive!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 23

I skipped a few computer on Sundays (day 21) and I just didn't have time yesterday. I've fluctuated going up and down a pound, so as of right now I'm the same as I was on day 20. But that's OK...I can't complain. I had 2 cupcakes and 2 rolls yesterday, which are definately NOT on my diet list. I have decided NOT to take a break and I will just go through the 40 days. It's easier being able to buy my food, and now I've "binged" so hopefully I have it out of my system.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 20

YEAH! I lost 2 lbs yesterday! I am down to 179.8. Now I'm going to take a few days off and gear up for my next 20 day cycle. I have lost 15 lbs so far, and I only have 5 more to go before I get to buy Dance Dance Revolution!

I was getting really discouraged, but this is what makes it all worth it! I will take my measurements on Monday, and hopefully I've lost some major inches!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 19

So...I'm almost done with my first round, and feeling REALLY discouraged. I did not lose any weight yesterday......and I did a steak and apple day. Maybe my steak wasn't big enough? It was actually a little on the small side and thin cut. I don't know. I'm sure I should be grateful I didn't gain any weight. But I starved and was grumpy with my family for no reason. I have 1.8 lbs. to go before I will feel OK about this first round.
Maybe I won't take a break between my first 20 and second 20. I have lost a total of 12.4 lbs since I started this diet. Lots of other people would have lost around 15-20 lbs by now....a pound a day. While I'm feeling better about the way I look and really happy to see the scale numbers dropping, I wish they would continue to drop.

Weight today: 181.8 lbs.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 18

I only dropped .2 lbs yesterday......I guess today will be a steak and apple day, with some crystal light to help me (I'm not drinking enough water, I'm sure).

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 17

My scale says I lost .8 lbs yesterday, but my pants are still fitting pretty well. I'm not exactly sure what to make of that. My bra fits better, there's not so much fat under my arms, but my waist seems to be getting bigger? I can't quite tell. My skinny pants were really baggy for a few days, and now they are back to being tight....I did wash them...but they should have stretched a little by now. I guess we'll see..maybe I'll use a different scale.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 16

Today is February 23rd and I'm on Day 16 of my HCG diet. I lost 1 lb. yesterday:::YEAH!!!!

Austin's team won their Futsal game last night-it was fun to watch him. I haven't been able to see him play because they play so late at night and everyone else needs to get to bed.

Yesterday was a horrible day at's hard being the middle man between your clients and another company. Their software went down, and while the software company was trying to get everything up and running, our clients don't understand we have no control over what the software company does. Hopefully today will be better.

The only thing I REALLY dislike about this diet is that I am always so tired....I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I sleep like the dead every night, and I could take a nap every day around 3:00 PM.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 14 and 15

I was so frustrated yesterday I couldn't even blog (and we told our children no electronic devices, and that also meant we couldn't be on the computer!!). I gained .6 lbs. on Saturday AND I DIDN'T EVEN CHEAT!!! It seems that on the days I'm cheating I lose weight (not that I cheat much, it might just be an extra piece of bread or something).

Today I have lost .4 lbs, so I still weigh more than I did on day 13. But I still lost.

Let's look at the positive things:::I wore a skirt to church that I hadn't worn in 6 months, and that felt awesome! And Kelly still tells me he can see I'm losing weight.

I took my measurements this morning and I think I need to start having someone else do it.

I lost 2 1/4 in. from my chest, 3/4 in from my rear, 1 in from my stomach and my hips grew 2 1/4 in? I just don't think that's correct.

Oh will be a better day!!!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 13

I am down .8 lbs.....which I must say I am happy with. Yesterday was not a very good day for me.....I was on a work call and my daughter turned off my computer....which disconnected my call and screwed up my computer for about an hour. After I took her to kindergarten I was still so upset I cheated and ate some marshmallow treats (2 of them) then I had 3 melba toasts. So....after that I guess I should be grateful that I didn't gain a couple of pounds.

We signed Austin up for baseball today....and I'm really glad. This is his last year where he will really be able to play. I love watching him play. Linc is getting a rabies shot today, Breanna is going to a birthday party, and I'm purchasing more meals for my diet.

Not much to say today!

Weight: 183.6 lbs.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 12

I lost .8 lbs yesterday. My skinny pants no longer fit comfortably. Every time I move I have to pull them up. Kelly says I should sell them on eBay. I really like the way they fit my legs though, I may find someone to take in the waist.

I had blueberries for breakfast this morning. They really aren't that good plain, but it was a nice change from an orange and an apple. I wish I liked fish, for a change of pace, but I don't. So I guess I'll keep eating chicken.

Since no one reads this anyway, I can put my weight in here: I'm finally at 184.4 lbs!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 11

I lost another 1.8 lbs. yesterday. Even though I see the numbers falling off, and I'm noticing some changes, I'm not seeing the changes I had hoped for. I know I'm expecting a lot, but that's just me...always wanting more. I tried on some pants yesterday that I'm not quite ready to wear yet....maybe another 5 lbs.

I did, however put my wedding ring on and it wasn't hard to get on or off, for the first time in a year or so. THAT IS AWESOME!!! It will be great when I need to get my ring re-sized.
Lots of people are rooting for me (I think....they tell me they are anyway) so I'm feeling very encouraged. My mother started this yesterday too.... GO MOM!!!

Did I mention Kelly and I sat down to do our budget the other day? It was excruciatingly painful for both of because I was tired and cranky and had already done a budget, Kelly because I wasn't listening to his ideas. In the end, the budget looks the way he wants it to, and he can understand it, so I guess that's what's important. Besides I think his budget will work, but it'll be REALLY tight for a month or so....not a good time for me to start this diet. Oh well.

My kids are dealing so-so with my diet. Rachel is starting to worry about her weight now, which is ridiculous. But I understand where she gets her worry from. I have to talk about it less. Austin keeps trying to tempt me with food, I'm so cutting him out of my will!!!!

Matthew could care less about it, and Breanna knows when I put the drops under my tongue I'm not talking for a little while. She loves paying attention to that. All of them want me to get to 20 lbs so we can buy Dance Dance Revolution. I have 11 more lbs to go. I think I may need to start walking to hit that goal in the next 9 days.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 10

I lost 1.2 lbs yesterday. This is so exciting for me! Kelly just laughs and asks if I'm happy when I tell him how much I have lost. I am getting a bit obsessive though....I weigh myself atleast 3 times a day. I am half way to my first break-10 more days!

People ask if this is hard, and my answer is YES. It is definitely harder at night when everyone is home, and eating dinner, and cake, and valentines candy. During the day it's nothing-it's just Bre and myself here and she doesn't snack on anything. But there are some times I just really want to snack on something (you have seen in previous messages I have cheated a couple of times). Now my goal is drinking enough water!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 9

I lost 1.2 lbs yesterday. This really is very exciting for me. Kelly says he can tell I'm happier, even if I am really tired!

We are sitting down to go over our budget, again. One of these days we will get it right. I can't decide if we should budget per check (so we would have 4 budgets a month) or 2 checks at a time. I am excited that we have a plan in place to start telling our money where to go, instead of our money going nowhere. If we are very careful, we should be debt free (minus the house) in 4-6 months. We only have $7000 we need to pay......not like some Americans that have $20K or more in credit card debt or student loan debt. We are going to change our family tree!!!!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 8

Kids are out of school today, hubby off work, and here I sit getting ready for work. Bummer!!!

I lost 1.4 lbs yesterday! I took my measurements again and here is where I stand:
thigh: lost 3/4 in.
stomach: (fatty part) lost 1.5 in.
chest: lost 1/4 in.
rear: 3/4 in.
hips: 4 1/4 in.

I am so excited! I was really frustrated yesterday but did my best to stay on track. I have lost 6.2 lbs in the last 7 days!!!!!

I had strawberries for breakfast yesterday. That was a nice change from the apple or orange I had been having. I love strawberries. I also made my own lunch yesterday (not one of my prepared meals). It helped that I spent some time on Saturday measuring out some chicken and packaging it. Now I just have to pull it out and cook it! I'm hoping to get my mom on board will be good to have someone else doing this with me.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 7

A little frustrated today. I only lost .6 lbs yesterday. I know, I know...I shouldn't be too frustrated, because at least I lost a little. I have a confession to make.....I cheated. I had 1 (very very) small valentine cookie yesterday. Could that really be why I didn't lose very much? Kelly said he can tell I've lost some weight, and I look happier. They always seem to go hand in hand.

Valentines Day was very nice. I got a very nice bracelet, necklace and earrings. I could have done without all the candy around the house (hence the cookie yesterday). Plus I went to a movie with my family and had to resist the popcorn. I have only gone to 2 movies where I didn't eat popcorn. It was very hard.

I am going to take my measurements tonight. Hopefully they will show I have lost at least 1 inch from my butt, waist and stomach! (I wouldn't mind my chest, either)

I have noticed a definite lack of energy too. I am going to succeed at this! Today I will hopefully lose another pound!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 6

Important things first:::Kelly is coming home today!!! We are all so excited. The kids have been so super good that I told them I would take them to see Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief this morning. When we get out of the movie, Kelly will be home.

Now, I lost 1.6 lbs yesterday-for a total of 4.2 lbs. I am so excited! I have lost 9.2 lbs in the last 2 weeks (since I stopped drinking coke) and I LOVE saying that number more than 4.2 lbs!. I love waking up in the morning weighing myself. Then I get so excited I don't even want to eat. I am eating of course. It's been interesting, because the meals I puchased have been a lot of food for one meal, but after 1.5-2 hours I am hungry again. I have been drinking tons of water, but I don't think I'm drinking as much as I should be yet. Drinking water is a real change for me.

My stomach feels a little flatter (not as much as I would like) and my pants are just a little looser. YEAH!!!!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 5

Wow! I have lost 2.6 lbs so far-in 5 days. At this point I am happy with that. I was so excited today to see that number on the scale! Amy---by tomorrow I should have a "point"!!!

I had some friends over last night for dinner and it was tons of fun. We couldn't get the WII to work so we didn't get to play Dance Dance Revolution. I was pretty bummed. Maybe that's what I'll give myself when I've lost 20 lbs.

Kelly is stranded in Texas-they cancelled his flight yesterday. He should be coming home tomorrow morning, but hopefully he can find a flight home today. The kids have been amazingly great....except for Breanna. She is going through some weird faze where she thinks she needs to be attached to me all the time-she didn't even want to go to school yesterday for her Valentines Party! Maybe having her spend the day with my mother will help her get over that (I have to go to work).

Yeah!!!! I'm losing weight! It really motivated me this morning to stick with my diet! HERE'S TO 2.6 POUNDS AND COUNTING!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 4

So here I am: 5:48 AM and wondering what to have for breakfast: should I have an apple, grapefruit (ugh) or orange? And should I even eat this early? I only have 4 meals to spread out over 18 hours!

I weighed myself last night, at the same time I always do, and I had gained 2lbs! I went to bed trying not to feel too discouraged, since I should have expected it. The last thing I had before I went to bed was a really greasy chocolate cookie from Peterson filled with white icing (mmmmm). But when I woke up and weighed myself today, I was back to my exact weight from day 3. THANK HEAVENS! Even though I was trying not to be discouraged, I was.

There are some people that say this diet isn't going to work. Maybe they are right. By now everyone has a friend, or many friends, that have tried this. Some have succeeded and some have not. I have many friends that have tried it......some under a doctors care and some with drops on the "downlow" from Mexico, others have just ordered it on the internet (as I did). I believe it's all what I make of it. If I don't cheat, and surround myself with people who are going to support me and cheer me on, I believe I will be successful. If I am not successful, it will be my own fault.

On a lighter note, I took my children to get haircuts last night, and both my girls cut their hair short....up to their shoulders and ears. I felt bad because Kelly was really sad when I told him-he didn't get a say in it. Rachel had such long beautiful hair! Now she will have short, curly beautiful hair! Breanna has an A-Line and she is adorable! Austin didn't even complain, but that could be that I paid $14.95 for him to have his hair trimmed, like a quarter of an inch. You can't even see that he got his hair cut. Oh well, it looks better to me.

Today is going to be a great day.....Kelly is coming home and my girlfriends are coming for dinner!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 2 & 3 (again)

It's me again. I am so excited: I picked up my pre-made meals today at lunch time. Even though I know I am supposed to be eating a bunch, I haven't even been hungry. I'm sure tomorrow I will be STARVING!

Even though I really started this on Monday, I finally feel like I'm going to be STARTING....just because I'll finally be limiting my food intake. Tonight we are having beef stew, and valentine cookies (with pink icing) for dessert. Tomorrow it's oranges and chicken!

I'm so excited!!! Wish me luck!

Day 2 & 3

I think yesterday was really my second day on my journey, so I should have named it Day 2. I weighed myself last night and while I didn't lose a whole pound, I lost half a pound, which I will take! During this phase I should be eating everything I can, and I was told I could gain some weight. I also got some advice from a friend yesterday about keeping the liquid under my tongue for as long as I can, not just 15 seconds. I started doing that this morning.

Kelly is out of town for the next 2 days...that always adds a little stress! AND, I planned a dinner with some friends tomorrow night thinking it would be my last night of food-so the taco soup I was planning would have been perfect. But I had to jump the gun, and instead of starting this diet on Tuesday, I had to start it Monday afternoon... So now my friends will be eating my taco soup and I will have some other kind of soup. But it will be all worth it because we will be playing Dance Dance Revolution! I really want that game. Maybe I can talk my husband into budgeting for that.

The scouts are coming to my house today to make invitations for the Blue and Gold Banquet next week.....I have never met half of these boys. No time like the present!

I am so excited to be losing weight! I'm so ready to look and feel good!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 1

This is it..... my new weight loss journey. I will admit I'm a little nervous to post things about myself, maybe no one will read this, and maybe someone will. It's scary for someone that keeps herself in a box to think anyone would be interested!

I weighed myself last night, and took all my measurements. I think I will weigh myself daily, but only take measurements once a week.

I am so ready for a change, and this time I feel REALLY motivated to make this change permanent. Spring is coming and I would love to help my husband coach my daughters soccer team!

I still haven't decided if I am going to post actual numbers.....they seem a little scary to me. However, I did quit drinking Coke a week ago LAST Saturday, and I have already lost 5 pounds. My goal is 45 more lbs.

I'm drinking my water and saying: Here's to you kid!!!!!