Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 25

I missed yesterday's no fun to talk about gaining weight!!!
I'm now at my weight that I need to maintain for the next 3 weeks: 179.2 I don't really want to stop at this weight for 3 weeks but everyone I talk to says I should take a break and "recalibrate" my body, then start again. I am committing to a 1 week break and to eating 1500 calories a day. I am really committed to making this work for me, so I'm sure I'll do the full 3 weeks......I just want to lose more weight. 15 lbs in 25 days isn't bad....just not what I expected and hoped for. I was hoping for more like 20-25 (I shouldn't cheat!!!)

My plan is to start walking now and get my body back to that small form of exercise so the next time I start I can continue to walk and lose a little faster. Then I will also be looking to join Weight Watchers and continue to lose. I really have about 35-40 more lbs to go before I will be truly satisfied.

Thanks to everyone for helping me out and being supportive!!!

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