Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 17

Well, on my second round and I weigh 171.6-YEAH!! This is awesome. Tomorrow will be my last day on the drops....I'm going to Vegas next weekend and it'll be easier to be on maintenance than 500 calories. I feel great-I LOVE THIS!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 16

I am at 172.6-I am so excited!!!! I am feeling great-especially since none of my clothes fit! (I've been told they didn't fit to start with, but who cares?)

I am also going to Vegas next weekend with a friend. I am ready for a bit of a break!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 14

I made it!!!!!! I lost 20 lbs-I'm now at 174.8-HOORAY!!!! I will be going and buying Dance Dance Revolution today and maybe some new underclothes to celebrate. This has totally given me the boost I needed. This last 2 weeks has been really hard to stick and I've only lost 3 lbs so far. I will do better from here on out!!!