Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 13

I am down .8 lbs.....which I must say I am happy with. Yesterday was not a very good day for me.....I was on a work call and my daughter turned off my computer....which disconnected my call and screwed up my computer for about an hour. After I took her to kindergarten I was still so upset I cheated and ate some marshmallow treats (2 of them) then I had 3 melba toasts. So....after that I guess I should be grateful that I didn't gain a couple of pounds.

We signed Austin up for baseball today....and I'm really glad. This is his last year where he will really be able to play. I love watching him play. Linc is getting a rabies shot today, Breanna is going to a birthday party, and I'm purchasing more meals for my diet.

Not much to say today!

Weight: 183.6 lbs.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 12

I lost .8 lbs yesterday. My skinny pants no longer fit comfortably. Every time I move I have to pull them up. Kelly says I should sell them on eBay. I really like the way they fit my legs though, I may find someone to take in the waist.

I had blueberries for breakfast this morning. They really aren't that good plain, but it was a nice change from an orange and an apple. I wish I liked fish, for a change of pace, but I don't. So I guess I'll keep eating chicken.

Since no one reads this anyway, I can put my weight in here: I'm finally at 184.4 lbs!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 11

I lost another 1.8 lbs. yesterday. Even though I see the numbers falling off, and I'm noticing some changes, I'm not seeing the changes I had hoped for. I know I'm expecting a lot, but that's just me...always wanting more. I tried on some pants yesterday that I'm not quite ready to wear yet....maybe another 5 lbs.

I did, however put my wedding ring on and it wasn't hard to get on or off, for the first time in a year or so. THAT IS AWESOME!!! It will be great when I need to get my ring re-sized.
Lots of people are rooting for me (I think....they tell me they are anyway) so I'm feeling very encouraged. My mother started this yesterday too.... GO MOM!!!

Did I mention Kelly and I sat down to do our budget the other day? It was excruciatingly painful for both of because I was tired and cranky and had already done a budget, Kelly because I wasn't listening to his ideas. In the end, the budget looks the way he wants it to, and he can understand it, so I guess that's what's important. Besides I think his budget will work, but it'll be REALLY tight for a month or so....not a good time for me to start this diet. Oh well.

My kids are dealing so-so with my diet. Rachel is starting to worry about her weight now, which is ridiculous. But I understand where she gets her worry from. I have to talk about it less. Austin keeps trying to tempt me with food, I'm so cutting him out of my will!!!!

Matthew could care less about it, and Breanna knows when I put the drops under my tongue I'm not talking for a little while. She loves paying attention to that. All of them want me to get to 20 lbs so we can buy Dance Dance Revolution. I have 11 more lbs to go. I think I may need to start walking to hit that goal in the next 9 days.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 10

I lost 1.2 lbs yesterday. This is so exciting for me! Kelly just laughs and asks if I'm happy when I tell him how much I have lost. I am getting a bit obsessive though....I weigh myself atleast 3 times a day. I am half way to my first break-10 more days!

People ask if this is hard, and my answer is YES. It is definitely harder at night when everyone is home, and eating dinner, and cake, and valentines candy. During the day it's nothing-it's just Bre and myself here and she doesn't snack on anything. But there are some times I just really want to snack on something (you have seen in previous messages I have cheated a couple of times). Now my goal is drinking enough water!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 9

I lost 1.2 lbs yesterday. This really is very exciting for me. Kelly says he can tell I'm happier, even if I am really tired!

We are sitting down to go over our budget, again. One of these days we will get it right. I can't decide if we should budget per check (so we would have 4 budgets a month) or 2 checks at a time. I am excited that we have a plan in place to start telling our money where to go, instead of our money going nowhere. If we are very careful, we should be debt free (minus the house) in 4-6 months. We only have $7000 we need to pay......not like some Americans that have $20K or more in credit card debt or student loan debt. We are going to change our family tree!!!!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 8

Kids are out of school today, hubby off work, and here I sit getting ready for work. Bummer!!!

I lost 1.4 lbs yesterday! I took my measurements again and here is where I stand:
thigh: lost 3/4 in.
stomach: (fatty part) lost 1.5 in.
chest: lost 1/4 in.
rear: 3/4 in.
hips: 4 1/4 in.

I am so excited! I was really frustrated yesterday but did my best to stay on track. I have lost 6.2 lbs in the last 7 days!!!!!

I had strawberries for breakfast yesterday. That was a nice change from the apple or orange I had been having. I love strawberries. I also made my own lunch yesterday (not one of my prepared meals). It helped that I spent some time on Saturday measuring out some chicken and packaging it. Now I just have to pull it out and cook it! I'm hoping to get my mom on board will be good to have someone else doing this with me.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 7

A little frustrated today. I only lost .6 lbs yesterday. I know, I know...I shouldn't be too frustrated, because at least I lost a little. I have a confession to make.....I cheated. I had 1 (very very) small valentine cookie yesterday. Could that really be why I didn't lose very much? Kelly said he can tell I've lost some weight, and I look happier. They always seem to go hand in hand.

Valentines Day was very nice. I got a very nice bracelet, necklace and earrings. I could have done without all the candy around the house (hence the cookie yesterday). Plus I went to a movie with my family and had to resist the popcorn. I have only gone to 2 movies where I didn't eat popcorn. It was very hard.

I am going to take my measurements tonight. Hopefully they will show I have lost at least 1 inch from my butt, waist and stomach! (I wouldn't mind my chest, either)

I have noticed a definite lack of energy too. I am going to succeed at this! Today I will hopefully lose another pound!