Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 8

Kids are out of school today, hubby off work, and here I sit getting ready for work. Bummer!!!

I lost 1.4 lbs yesterday! I took my measurements again and here is where I stand:
thigh: lost 3/4 in.
stomach: (fatty part) lost 1.5 in.
chest: lost 1/4 in.
rear: 3/4 in.
hips: 4 1/4 in.

I am so excited! I was really frustrated yesterday but did my best to stay on track. I have lost 6.2 lbs in the last 7 days!!!!!

I had strawberries for breakfast yesterday. That was a nice change from the apple or orange I had been having. I love strawberries. I also made my own lunch yesterday (not one of my prepared meals). It helped that I spent some time on Saturday measuring out some chicken and packaging it. Now I just have to pull it out and cook it! I'm hoping to get my mom on board will be good to have someone else doing this with me.


  1. hey Jennifer! My mom, Ken and I did this diet last year and it works! We've learned you can't cheat at all, if you want the best results. Just remember drink enough water! I heard half of your body weight in ounces. Also, something we found that helped was drinking... I know this sounds gross but a little apple cider vinegar before you go to bed. It helps digest the food, you should try it! Good Luck! :) (The only negative side effect my mom and I noticed was our hair thinning.)

  2. I wouldn't complain about my hair thinning.......I have some REALLY thick hair. I tried drinking some green tea, but I really dislike green tea and I'm having a hard time. I also have gotten sick of water. Thank you for your comments-I will try the apple cider vinegar. Tell everyone I said hi!
