Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 13

I am down .8 lbs.....which I must say I am happy with. Yesterday was not a very good day for me.....I was on a work call and my daughter turned off my computer....which disconnected my call and screwed up my computer for about an hour. After I took her to kindergarten I was still so upset I cheated and ate some marshmallow treats (2 of them) then I had 3 melba toasts. So....after that I guess I should be grateful that I didn't gain a couple of pounds.

We signed Austin up for baseball today....and I'm really glad. This is his last year where he will really be able to play. I love watching him play. Linc is getting a rabies shot today, Breanna is going to a birthday party, and I'm purchasing more meals for my diet.

Not much to say today!

Weight: 183.6 lbs.

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