Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 14 and 15

I was so frustrated yesterday I couldn't even blog (and we told our children no electronic devices, and that also meant we couldn't be on the computer!!). I gained .6 lbs. on Saturday AND I DIDN'T EVEN CHEAT!!! It seems that on the days I'm cheating I lose weight (not that I cheat much, it might just be an extra piece of bread or something).

Today I have lost .4 lbs, so I still weigh more than I did on day 13. But I still lost.

Let's look at the positive things:::I wore a skirt to church that I hadn't worn in 6 months, and that felt awesome! And Kelly still tells me he can see I'm losing weight.

I took my measurements this morning and I think I need to start having someone else do it.

I lost 2 1/4 in. from my chest, 3/4 in from my rear, 1 in from my stomach and my hips grew 2 1/4 in? I just don't think that's correct.

Oh will be a better day!!!!!

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