Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 16

Today is February 23rd and I'm on Day 16 of my HCG diet. I lost 1 lb. yesterday:::YEAH!!!!

Austin's team won their Futsal game last night-it was fun to watch him. I haven't been able to see him play because they play so late at night and everyone else needs to get to bed.

Yesterday was a horrible day at work....it's hard being the middle man between your clients and another company. Their software went down, and while the software company was trying to get everything up and running, our clients don't understand we have no control over what the software company does. Hopefully today will be better.

The only thing I REALLY dislike about this diet is that I am always so tired....I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I sleep like the dead every night, and I could take a nap every day around 3:00 PM.

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