Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 7

A little frustrated today. I only lost .6 lbs yesterday. I know, I know...I shouldn't be too frustrated, because at least I lost a little. I have a confession to make.....I cheated. I had 1 (very very) small valentine cookie yesterday. Could that really be why I didn't lose very much? Kelly said he can tell I've lost some weight, and I look happier. They always seem to go hand in hand.

Valentines Day was very nice. I got a very nice bracelet, necklace and earrings. I could have done without all the candy around the house (hence the cookie yesterday). Plus I went to a movie with my family and had to resist the popcorn. I have only gone to 2 movies where I didn't eat popcorn. It was very hard.

I am going to take my measurements tonight. Hopefully they will show I have lost at least 1 inch from my butt, waist and stomach! (I wouldn't mind my chest, either)

I have noticed a definite lack of energy too. I am going to succeed at this! Today I will hopefully lose another pound!

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