Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 6

Important things first:::Kelly is coming home today!!! We are all so excited. The kids have been so super good that I told them I would take them to see Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief this morning. When we get out of the movie, Kelly will be home.

Now, I lost 1.6 lbs yesterday-for a total of 4.2 lbs. I am so excited! I have lost 9.2 lbs in the last 2 weeks (since I stopped drinking coke) and I LOVE saying that number more than 4.2 lbs!. I love waking up in the morning weighing myself. Then I get so excited I don't even want to eat. I am eating of course. It's been interesting, because the meals I puchased have been a lot of food for one meal, but after 1.5-2 hours I am hungry again. I have been drinking tons of water, but I don't think I'm drinking as much as I should be yet. Drinking water is a real change for me.

My stomach feels a little flatter (not as much as I would like) and my pants are just a little looser. YEAH!!!!!!

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