Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 2 & 3

I think yesterday was really my second day on my journey, so I should have named it Day 2. I weighed myself last night and while I didn't lose a whole pound, I lost half a pound, which I will take! During this phase I should be eating everything I can, and I was told I could gain some weight. I also got some advice from a friend yesterday about keeping the liquid under my tongue for as long as I can, not just 15 seconds. I started doing that this morning.

Kelly is out of town for the next 2 days...that always adds a little stress! AND, I planned a dinner with some friends tomorrow night thinking it would be my last night of food-so the taco soup I was planning would have been perfect. But I had to jump the gun, and instead of starting this diet on Tuesday, I had to start it Monday afternoon... So now my friends will be eating my taco soup and I will have some other kind of soup. But it will be all worth it because we will be playing Dance Dance Revolution! I really want that game. Maybe I can talk my husband into budgeting for that.

The scouts are coming to my house today to make invitations for the Blue and Gold Banquet next week.....I have never met half of these boys. No time like the present!

I am so excited to be losing weight! I'm so ready to look and feel good!

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