Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 5

Wow! I have lost 2.6 lbs so far-in 5 days. At this point I am happy with that. I was so excited today to see that number on the scale! Amy---by tomorrow I should have a "point"!!!

I had some friends over last night for dinner and it was tons of fun. We couldn't get the WII to work so we didn't get to play Dance Dance Revolution. I was pretty bummed. Maybe that's what I'll give myself when I've lost 20 lbs.

Kelly is stranded in Texas-they cancelled his flight yesterday. He should be coming home tomorrow morning, but hopefully he can find a flight home today. The kids have been amazingly great....except for Breanna. She is going through some weird faze where she thinks she needs to be attached to me all the time-she didn't even want to go to school yesterday for her Valentines Party! Maybe having her spend the day with my mother will help her get over that (I have to go to work).

Yeah!!!! I'm losing weight! It really motivated me this morning to stick with my diet! HERE'S TO 2.6 POUNDS AND COUNTING!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! I'm glad that you are feeling good about this.
