Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 4

So here I am: 5:48 AM and wondering what to have for breakfast: should I have an apple, grapefruit (ugh) or orange? And should I even eat this early? I only have 4 meals to spread out over 18 hours!

I weighed myself last night, at the same time I always do, and I had gained 2lbs! I went to bed trying not to feel too discouraged, since I should have expected it. The last thing I had before I went to bed was a really greasy chocolate cookie from Peterson filled with white icing (mmmmm). But when I woke up and weighed myself today, I was back to my exact weight from day 3. THANK HEAVENS! Even though I was trying not to be discouraged, I was.

There are some people that say this diet isn't going to work. Maybe they are right. By now everyone has a friend, or many friends, that have tried this. Some have succeeded and some have not. I have many friends that have tried it......some under a doctors care and some with drops on the "downlow" from Mexico, others have just ordered it on the internet (as I did). I believe it's all what I make of it. If I don't cheat, and surround myself with people who are going to support me and cheer me on, I believe I will be successful. If I am not successful, it will be my own fault.

On a lighter note, I took my children to get haircuts last night, and both my girls cut their hair short....up to their shoulders and ears. I felt bad because Kelly was really sad when I told him-he didn't get a say in it. Rachel had such long beautiful hair! Now she will have short, curly beautiful hair! Breanna has an A-Line and she is adorable! Austin didn't even complain, but that could be that I paid $14.95 for him to have his hair trimmed, like a quarter of an inch. You can't even see that he got his hair cut. Oh well, it looks better to me.

Today is going to be a great day.....Kelly is coming home and my girlfriends are coming for dinner!

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