Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 1

This is it..... my new weight loss journey. I will admit I'm a little nervous to post things about myself, maybe no one will read this, and maybe someone will. It's scary for someone that keeps herself in a box to think anyone would be interested!

I weighed myself last night, and took all my measurements. I think I will weigh myself daily, but only take measurements once a week.

I am so ready for a change, and this time I feel REALLY motivated to make this change permanent. Spring is coming and I would love to help my husband coach my daughters soccer team!

I still haven't decided if I am going to post actual numbers.....they seem a little scary to me. However, I did quit drinking Coke a week ago LAST Saturday, and I have already lost 5 pounds. My goal is 45 more lbs.

I'm drinking my water and saying: Here's to you kid!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wahoo!!! You are one of the blogging mass finally. I'm jealous that you only need to lose 45 and have already lost 5. I have been dieting for like 3-4 weeks and have only lost 8, and I need to lose 60! :(
    Well good luck! See you at taco soup night!
