Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 23

I skipped a few days.....no computer on Sundays (day 21) and I just didn't have time yesterday. I've fluctuated going up and down a pound, so as of right now I'm the same as I was on day 20. But that's OK...I can't complain. I had 2 cupcakes and 2 rolls yesterday, which are definately NOT on my diet list. I have decided NOT to take a break and I will just go through the 40 days. It's easier being able to buy my food, and now I've "binged" so hopefully I have it out of my system.

1 comment:

  1. From my understanding, the reason for the break is so your body can get all of the HCG out of your system. Because if you use it for too long of a period it will stop working because your body gets immune to it...
