Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 29 & 30

I have maintained the same weight the last 2 days, 177.4. I believe that's a good thing, since this is the maintainence period!

My grandmother is very sick and will probably be gone at some point today. The doctors weren't sure she was going to make it to yesterday morning, so the fact she is still alive is somewhat of a miracle. If she was responsive and improving it might be a miracle, I guess. Since she's not responsive, I am praying she will go soon. She is 72.

All of my siblings are waiting to hear something as well. Amanda and I have had a nice chat the last few days and maybe our relationship is on its way to being healed. Time will tell I guess.

McCade and Britney said they would come down as well. However, mom said it's possible that they will cremate Grandma in Arizona and then Grandpa will come home when he's ready. That would really suck....even though there's not a funeral, I would still feel like I didn't get to say goodbye.

To top that off, Kelly's grandma Frankie wasn't doing very well either. She fell and broke her hip a couple of weeks ago...they weren't sure if she was going to survive either. Connie and Robert went to Portland to visit with her. She was awake and a (bit) out of it when they were there, but it helped them feel better to see her. She will be 92 in April.

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