Tuesday, July 13, 2010

July 13th 2010

Here I am again. I find this is easier than writing in a journal every day.

I have gained back 7 lbs in the last month because I stopped watching what I was eating (as carefully) and didn't start my exercise plan. Who has time to exercise with such busy lives? I feel guilty taking time out of my day to exercise.

My starting weight this time around is 168.

My measurements are:

Chest: 41"
Stomach: 43"
Butt: 41.5"

Austin is in Oregon this week at an ODP Soccer Camp. As a mom I'm pretty worried about him, but I think he's having a blast. The kids are out for summer and that's been a little stressful-none of them have anyone to play with. Hopefully we can change that.

We are getting Breanna into a dance class at the community college and the rest of the kids are playing soccer.

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