Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 8

I lost .6 lbs yesterday, not very good. I'm totally off my groove with my kids being home for spring break. I didn't eat all afternoon, and when I was cleaning the kitchen I ate the homemade macaroni and cheese Matthew made for dinner. I totally forgot I was on a lame is that????

It is much harder this time around....I'm not really sure why. It probably has something to do with the kids being home, but they are home for all of next week I'll have to figure something out! I am determined to hit my goal this time. I had plans for the last 2 days to walk around the soccer park while Austin practiced, but they cancelled practice due to the snow yesterday and it was too windy the day before (and smoky from a fire we had).

Today Rachel is 7! I can hardly believe it....she is getting so big and grownup! Austin is supposed to have his first soccer game tonight...but I doubt it with all the snow on the ground. Love Utah springs!!!!

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