Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 4

I didn't weigh myself or continue to write in my blog because it was so depressing to gain weight and eat the last few days. I gained 3 lbs....I am now at 180.2

Today I start my "real" diet, of 500 calories a day and I can't weight to see the weight drop away. I am so excited for this process.....none of the foods I ate these last few days were very good..

I went to Arctic Circle Thursday night and got a mushroom burger and oreo shake..neither of which I finished. Thursday afternoon Breanna and I met Kelly for lunch at Zuppa's and that was excellent!

Friday night we went to Golden Corral, and even the rolls I usually eat weren't all that great. Saturday I had a fire pit with my dad and had half a bag of marshmallows......they weren't as good as I remember either. I think my body decided it didn't like the sugar and it all tasted horrible. I even had a coke yesterday (first time since January) and it wasn't as good as I remember. Maybe this will make it easier to not eat in the upcoming weeks, since it didn't taste good!

So, here's to today and starting over......I am going to lose 2 lbs today!!!!

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