Monday, June 27, 2011

June 27 2011 (Day 1)

I'm starting HCG again today, along with my mother. I have gained back everything but 10 lbs. from last years weight loss. I am committed to doing this again this year. Kelly has been on the 17 day diet and lost about 14 lbs and he looks fabulous!
We are now out of debt and struggling to build up our emergency fund. Between soccer and trying to get our backyard in, it's not getting built as fast as I would like, or Kelly would like. Hopefully soon (after soccer tournament fees) we can start building it faster.

Starting Weight: 189 (I haven't done measurements yet)
I had a donut and hot water w/lemon this morning. I'm about to have another donut. It's a fat loading day.

**End of the day and here is what I had to eat today: 3 donuts, Olive Garden dinner (Ziti, salad, 3 breadsticks and dessert) and a little pasta for lunch, green tea and a little water. I feel like I'm going to puke. UGH

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