Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 3 (June 29)

Found out yesterday that Cami Oborn, a lady in our ward, was killed Monday in a rafting accident. I didn't know her well, but I was in a Sunday School class with her and she was a very nice person. I am in shock that something like this has happened. It seems weird that life has to go on and it can't just stand still for a few minutes.

Today is my first day at 500 calories. For breakfast I am having hot water with lemon, then an apple and green tea. I measured myself this morning. UGH

***So today I think I did pretty well with my food, of course I'm not drinking enough water.
I had an apple for breakfast, then 2 egg whites and 1 egg with tomato slices for a snack. For lunch I had cucumber slices and cinnamon toast. For dinner I had chicken and asparagus. I also had an orange for a snack, and 2 cups of green tea.

I did pretty good not thinking about food until around noon. Then it's all I could think about. I think it will take a couple of days to start losing any weight, but I am determined!

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